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Indonesien 20 Jahre nach der reformasi

Konferenz: »Recht und Gerechtigkeit - Indonesien 20 Jahre nach Reformasi«


Wandmalerei in Zentraljava; Bildquelle: Oliver Vanicek


(InMaOn /Watch Indonesia) Einladung zu einer Konferenz zum Thema »Recht und Gerechtigkeit – Indonesien 20 Jahre nach reformasi« / Conference: »Law and Justice: Indonesia 20 Years after Reformasi«, vom 9. bis 11. November 2018 in Berlin. Es geht um die Zeit nach dem Fall des Suharto-Regimes und dem Beginn von demokratischen Prozessen in der indonesischen Gesellschaft (reformasi). 


Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. Die Eröffnung am 9. November wird in Deutsch abgehalten.


The year 1998 is considered as the year of ‘Reformasi’ which marked the end of dictatorship in Indonesia. The great pro-democratic demonstrations, especially those of students, ended dictator Suharto’s power who had led the country under military rule for 30 years. The 20th anniversary of ‘Reformasi’ offers an occasion to reflect on own endeavors, to develop new strategies and eventually a chance for consolidation. This conference is dedicated to the following questions: To what extent are the demands formulated 20 years ago by the democratic movement realized? Which improvements can be seen? Are there deficits and if yes, why? Has democracy in Indonesia lead to the realization of the rule of law? Which problems have emerged or intensified? Which strategies and measures exist to enhance Indonesia’s development?


For the detailed conference programme and short profiles of the speakers see below.




9th November, 6.00 PM

Stadtbibliothek Tempelhof- Schöneberg

Hauptstr. 40, 10827 Berlin


10-11th November, 9.00 AM

Berlin Global Village, Braustube

Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin



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Deadline: 7th November 2018


Registration fee

General: 20 Euro (for professionals) Reductions: 10 Euro (for students, seniors, low-income earners)

The fee can be paid cash at the registration desk or via bank transfer, please indicate ‘REFORMASI’, (Verwendungszweck) to:

Watch Indonesia! e.V. Account Number: 2127 101, Postbank Berlin (BLZ 100 100 10) or IBAN: DE96 1001 0010 0002 1271 01, BIC/SWIFT: PBNKDEFF


Contact and Inquiry

Basilisa Dengen E-mail Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein. T (+49) 30 698 17 938 www.watchindonesia.org


With generous support from Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Berlin (LEZ), Bundesministerium für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit and Katholischer Fonds.


Programme: »Law and Justice: Indonesia 20 Years after Reformasi« | Berlin, 9.-11 November 2018






9th November 2018



Stadtbibliothek Tempelhof- Schöneberg

Hauptstr. 40

10827 Berlin



Conference opening

‚Law and Justice in Indonesia 20 Years after Reformasi‘


Dede Oetomo (Gaya Nusantara)

Alex Flor (Watch Indonesia!)

Siti Maimunah (tbc)

Moderator: Anett Keller


10th November 2018



Berlin Global Village, Braustube

Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin




Watch Indonesia!




Panel 1: Law and Institutional Reform

The Military in post -Reformasi Indonesia: Changed and challenged, but still persistent and politically powerful, Ingo Wandelt

Democracy and Law on political parties, Dian Abraham (via teleconference )

Persecution through Denial of Citizenship: Indonesians in Forced Exile Post-1965, Ratna Saptari

Moderator: Alex Flor



Coffee break




Panel 2: Campaign and contra campaign: the role of the media

The Internet in Indonesia and the downfall of the Suharto regime, Waruno Mahdi

Persecution of sexual minorities in the media, Dede Oetomo

Mass violence in Indonesia 1965 – 1966, the current situation and problems of the reappraisal, Gero Simone

Moderator: Ratna Saptari



Lunch Break




Panel 2: discussion




Coffee break




Panel 3: Civil society: more political Engagement?

Transparency and trust is the currency of social interaction — #SaveBangkaIsland

Supportive successful impact of a social media campaign in the fight for justice in North Sulawesi, Prof EkuWand

Land conflicts and the indigenous movement in Indonesia: from resistance to rights?, Willem van der Muur

Identity conflicts in Semarang and its transformation, Yunantyo Adi S.

Moderator: tbc.




Closing Day 1, Announcements



11th November 2018



Berlin Global Village, Braustube

Am Sudhaus 2, 12053 Berlin



Moderator: tbc.







‚Dokumen Berlin‘ Pipit Kartawidjaja and his resistance against the New Order


Pipit Kartawidjaja

Irina Grimm (tbc.)

Moderator: Gero Simone



 Closing and lunch



The Speakers


Dédé Oetomo has been actively involved in the pro-democracy movement and the HIV response for over 25 years. He is the Founder and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Gaya Nusantara Foundation, a community based organisation active in research and education in the areas of human rights, public awareness and politics as well as sexual health and well-being services for sexuality and gender diversity. Dédé is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Surabaya, University of Airlangga, and Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabaya, Indonesia. Dédé is an internationally recognised scholar, educator and activist in areas of HIV and AIDS, research, training and advocacy. He is a member of the Advisory Council of the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR) and of the Executive Committee of AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP). He received the Felipa de Sousa Award from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in 1998 and the Utopia Award for Pioneering Gay Work in Asia in 2001.


Dian Abraham. Dian Abraham is an Indonesian activist who has an academic background in accounting (diploma of Polytechnic) and in law (LLB). He is mostly known as an antinuclear activist working, successfully, against the Indonesian administrations’ plan to build several nuclear power plants. He led the first ever civil society advocacy against a bill discussed in the parliament when he organized resistance on Minister Habibie’s Nuclear Bill between 1996-1997. Later on, in 2006, he joined a newly created organization aiming to be a grassroots political party, Sarekat Hijau Indonesia (Indonesian Green Union), serving in its international office. His article, “Melawan Sistem Registrasi Parpol di Indonesia: Perbandingannya dengan India dan Eropa” (Resisting the System of Party Registration in Indonesia: a Comparison with India and Europe), discussed how such rules and regulations have effectively prevented the right of the people to form their own political party.


Prof. Eku Wand, Braunschweig University of Art (Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig [HBK]), Founder and President Director tewa international. Eku Wand studied visual communication at the Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin). He was the founder and creative director of Pixelpark AG in Berlin. In 1993 he founded eku interactive, his own label. In 2001 Wand became a professor for media design/multimedia at the Braunschweig University of Art (Hochschule für Bildende Künste Braunschweig [HBK]). Since 2014 he is living in Indonesia and founder of the social media marketing agency tewa international. From 2011 until 2017 he was pro bono social media campaigner for #SaveBangkaIsland.


Gero Simone did a voluntary service in a primary school in Pekalongan, Central Java after graduating from high school. At that time, he liked Indonesia and Southeast Asia so much that he decided to study a Bachelor´s degree in Asian Studies. Subsequently, he studied a Master´s degree in Southeast Asian Studies at University of Bonn and National University Singapore. Alongside his studies he was active in the campus radio station operated by the University of Bonn. Since 2012 he is a reporter and moderator with 1LIVE. Moreover, he is doing a traineeship with WDR. Gero Simone always maintained ties with Indonesia, for instance by doing an internship with a local newspaper in Pontianak. He also published reports on Toraja in Sulawesi and the mass killings of 1965-66.


Ingo Wandelt (Wuppertal), Indonesianist and cultural anthropologist, began research, publication and lecturing work on the Indonesian military after he became lecturer at the Federal Language Office in Hürth. He trained all of the German military attachees for Indonesia and Malaysia from 1989 until 2017. Besides he took over duties as a interpretor of Indonesian for the Defence Ministry, i.a. in the Bundeswehr Tsunami-rescue mission in Aceh, Indonesia, in 2005. In private capacity he extended his work by cooperation on military reform in Indonesia with the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation, the Federal Foreign Office, German universities (Frankfurt/Main and Giessen) and Watch Indonesia! from 2000-2010. He also published several trilingual dictionaries on modern Indonesian, i.a. on Indonesian military language. He retired from his work in 2018 and is now continuing his studies and work on Indonesian culture, politics and linguistics.


Irina Grimm (tbc.)


Pipit Kartawidjaja is founder and currently active board member of Watch Indonesia!. He went to West-Berlin in 1972 to study engineering. During the New Order he was actively engaged to challenge the power of Suharto, which made him stateless for longer period until Reformasi in 1998. He is actively engaged in promoting good governance, bureaucracy reform in Indonesia and working with various civil society organizations and advised the Indonesien government in some of law drafting of respective issue. He wrote for various newspapers and publish numbers of books on his area of expertise. His recent book ‘Dokumen Berlin’ is a documentation of private letters, official documents and stories of his and his friends’ struggle against the New Order regime.


Ratna Saptari is currently lecturer at the Institute of Cultural Antrhopology and Development Sociology, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has been involved in advocacy work since Suharto’s authoritarian regime, when she was part of the activist group dealing with labour issues. Conducting discussion groups with women workers in different sites in Jakarta and West Java between 1983 until 1989 in collaboration with members of the Institute of Legal Aid in Jakarta, she then co-founded one of the first feminist organizations at the time, i.e. Kalyanamitra to deal with issues of sexual harassment in the workplace and domestic violence. She obtained her PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 1995. As member of the research team in the International People’s Tribunal of 1965 which was held in The Hague, 10 – 13 November 2015, she has written on the Indonesian exiles in the Netherlands. She is also the secretary general of the Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (IMWU) in the Netherlands. Her main research interests are: the politics of production (particularly the cigarette industry); domestic service; gender, labour politics and social movements.


Waruno Mahdi is a retired chemical engineer and technician remaining as part-time employee at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society in Berlin. He is also an autodidactic linguist specializing on Austronesian historical linguistics and Indonesian culture history, who has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and monographs on these subjects. Since 1995 he operated an own Website, and actively participated in several mailing lists involved in the Indonesian movement for political reforms. As a consequence, he was invited to the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Washington D.C., April 4-7, 2002, at which he made a presentation titled “The Internet Factor in Indonesia: Was that All?”


Willem van der Muur is a PhD candidate at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society, Leiden University. He has a background in sociology (BSc), Asian studies (MSc) and law (LLM). He recently completed his PhD thesis entitled ‘Land rights and the forces of adat in Democratizing Indonesia’. His dissertation focuses on civil society advocacy and land conflicts in Indonesia. It looks at how political and institutional changes – particularly democratization and decentralization – have provided new avenues for rural communities to claim rights. Willem has conducted extensive ethnographic field research, mostly in rural districts in South Sulawesi. His most recent publication is called ‘Forest conflicts and the informal nature of realizing indigenous land rights in Indonesia’. The article is part of a special issue on citizenship in Indonesia in the journal Citizenship Studies.


Yunantyo Adi S. known as YAS is a social activist from Semarang, Central Java. Before becoming a lawyer he was a journalist for the local newspaper Suara Merdeka (2005-2017). From 2014-2015 he was coordinator of Association of Semarang Citizens for Human Rights (PMS-HAM) that actively initiated and advocated for public acceptance and recognition of mass grave of the victims of 1965-66 massacres in Plumbon, Central Java. The initiative succeeded to involve local government, many civil society organization, historians, interreligious groups as well as police and military. YAS start to engage in advocating religious freedom in his hometown since 2016 when the militant Islamic groups tried to ban the fast-breaking ceremony that was initiated by Shinta Nuriyah, wife of the late former president Abdurrahman Wahid. Since 2017 he is appointed to be one of the presidium members of Gusdurian Network in Central Java.


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